Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. is a beautiful, well planned city - rather like Canberra. In Australia, the capital city - Canberra - was designed by an American, and a frenchman designed Washington D.C. On the left is the Lincoln Memorial one of the city's most recognizable landmarks. Built in 1922, the upper level frieze contains the names of the 48 states at the time the memorial was dedicated. Washington has a main thoroughfare - The Mall (like Anzac Parade) which is lined on both sides by magestic museums.
The Smithsonian is the worlds largest museum complex - comprises of the National Zoo and 15 museums - many of which are on the Mall. One of my favourite areas is Georgetown. Formerly a bustling tobacco port in the late 1700's, it now is the center of Washington's nighlife and fabulous shopping. This shot of the boardwalk (left) is down by the Potomac River where there are many great restaurants and bars. There is nothing like a hot summer's night and dining outside at Sequoia's, watching the passeggiata of people on the boardwalk.

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